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Joint Airspace Control Cell (JACC) requests feedback on temporary restricted areas (TRA) and procedures for Exercise CRIMSON DAWN 2025-1, specifically to be employed at Townsville field training area.
JACC requests feedback on proposed TRA and procedures for exercise CRIMSON DAWN 2025-1, specifically to be employed at Townsville Field Training Area.
Two TRAs are proposed to support fast jet operations out of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Townsville, Queensland. Indicative timings are listed in Table 1, with specific activation timings to be promulgated by Aeronautical Information Publication supplementary (AIP SUP) and Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).
Airspace | Date | Time (Coordinated universal time) |
TRA ‘MESA’ | 15 – 27 June 2025 | 2345Z – 0630Z daily |
TRA ‘VERDE’ | 15 – 27 June 2025 | 2345Z – 0630Z daily |
Extant diversion routes for R737 (outlined in enroute supplement Australia (ERSA) are not affected by TRA ‘MESA’ or TRA ‘VERDE’.
During NOTAM activation periods, access to TRA ‘MESA’ and TRA ’VERDE’ by non-exercise aircraft will not be available, except in cases of a declared emergency, radio failure or participating in activities for the preservation of life and property, search and rescue, medical, petroleum, oils and lubricants or fire-fighting flights (SAR, MED, POL or FFR).
The proposed NOTAMs will display as follows:
Conditional Status: RA2
Military Flying
Lateral Limits: 182500S 1440000E - 181416S 1445605E - then along the counterclockwise arc of a radius 120.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) - 184958S 1444131E - 191000S 1440000E - 182500S 1440000E
Vertical Limits: FL120 - NOTAM
Hours of Activity: 2345Z – 0630Z Daily
Controlling Authority: 452SQN Townsville flight Commander
Conditional Status: RA2
Military Flying
Lateral Limits: 184958S 1444131E then along the counterclockwise arc of a radius 120.00 nautical miles (n mile) centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) 201158S 1445336E - 201657S 1442650E - 191000S 1440000E - 184958S 1444131E.
Vertical Limits: 7000 AMSL – NOTAM
Hours of Activity: 2345Z – 0630Z Daily
Controlling Authority: 452SQN Townsville Flight Commander