Xplorate BVLOS Corridors - Queensland

On this page

    Open advisory
    104 days remaining
    Start 10/06/2024
    AEST 10:00
    End 10/06/2025
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Robert  Taylor
    Xplorate Pacific

    Xplorate Pacific has received approval from CASA to conduct beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations in Queensland.


    Xplorate Pacific will conduct research and development, as well as photogrammetry, in support of oil and gas providers.


    Key Details

    Operational height: Below 1250 feet Above Ground Level (AGL). Operational heights vary depending on location. Please refer to the Xplorate Stakeholder Engagement page.

    Operational times: Day and night.

    Drone in operation: SDO 50 V3.

    Operational boundary: Refer to the Xplorate Stakeholder Engagement page.

    The drone operators will monitor the relevant common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) and area (typically Brisbane centre) frequencies. The SDO 50 V3 drone is equipped with ADS-B In and Out, and the operator will be monitoring ADS-B traffic. A NOTAM will be published for all BVLOS operations.

    Xplorate has a collective experience of over 100 years in piloted aviation and strives for Zero Harm to our people, the community, and the environment. Safety is in our DNA which is why from inception Xplorate has set the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) Standard for Aviation Operations as its base standard that will assist in the safe, effective, and efficient management of uncrewed aviation operations. Any assistance you can provide in helping us maintain safety standards is much appreciated. Together, we aim to establish effective communication protocols before and during flights to ensure safety and avoid conflicts.

    Submitted by

    Robert Taylor
    Xplorate Pacific

    Related links

    Xplorate Stakeholder Engagement