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The USYD Rocketry Team is seeking to conduct a high-power rocket launch of our 10000ft hybrid rocket Pardalote at Tolarno Station NSW.
Rocket launching activity between the following dates:
Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) proposed from Controlling Authority Launch window from 9 am to 4 pm local time for all 6 days.
Location: Tolarno Station NSW, approximately 23NM south of Menindee.
To seek members feedback on the proposal to establish a TRA due to high-power hybrid rocket launching activity.
To mitigate residual airspace risks posed by the activity a TRA is proposed from SFC to FL125 within Class G airspace, and from FL125 to FL200 in the controlled airspace above.
TRA - Class G
Lateral Limits: 6NM radius of 32°45'32"S 142°29'6"E
Vertical Limits: SFC to FL125
Controlling Authority: USYD Rockery Team
Lateral Limits: 6NM radius of 32°45'32"S 142°29'6"E
Vertical Limits: FL125 to FL200
Controlling Authority: Air Services Operations Management