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Airservices is proposing temporary Air Traffic Services (ATS) procedures to manage a runway line-of-sight obstruction that will exist at Avalon Airport (YMAV) from January to March 2023.
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 172 Manual of Standards (MOS) section requires that air traffic controllers have an unobstructed view of the runway from a control tower. As a part of the biennial Avalon International Airshow, a series of temporary exhibition buildings, business chalets, and multi-tier seating grandstands are erected in preparation for the airshow.
The construction, use and dismantling of these structures causes a line-of-sight obstruction with the northern third of Avalon runway (RWY) 18/36, taxiway Charlie (TWY C), taxiway Bravo (TWY B) and a portion of taxiway Alpha (TWY A).
In order to continue to provide ATS at Avalon Airport when these temporary structures are in place, Airservices must apply for a Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) exemption from the Part 172 MOS under CASR 172.095(4), with evidence that the proposed ATS procedures will be acceptably safe during the period where the view of the runway and manoeuvring area is obstructed from the control tower.
Airservices Australia is proposing temporary ATS procedures to manage a runway line-of-sight obstruction that will exist at YMAV from early January to late March 2023 due to temporary structures associated with Avalon International Airshow. The purpose of this consultation is to seek industry feedback on the proposed procedures, to ensure that any impact on Avalon operators is understood and minimised as far as is practicable.
The proposed ATS procedures will include two distinct modes of operation:
1. During periods of typical traffic demand, an Airport Safety Officer (ASO) will monitor the RWY and TWY for incursions and debris and relay these observations to the tower. Aircraft movements will be restricted to single aircraft operations, except when certain conditions are met (removing the potential for conflict). A NOTAM will be published during the period where single aircraft/movement operations are in place. Overflying Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) training flights will be restricted to not below 300ft if they will be within 2 n mile final whilst another aircraft is operating on the manoeuvring area. Vehicle and pedestrian operations within the obstructed area of the manoeuvring area, shall be restricted to:
2. Whilst any aircraft is on approach to land within 2 n mile or taking off; ATC shall manage traffic so that no aircraft, vehicle, or personnel may be on the manoeuvring area except:
3. During periods where traffic demand is expected to be higher, the obstructed area will be monitored by a licensed air traffic controller with a current Aerodrome (AEROD) Rating (referred to as an ‘observer’). The observer may be located in a vehicle, in a Mobile Control Tower (MCT), or within the Forward Operating Centre (FOC) that is constructed specifically for the Airshow, but must always be in a position where they can observe the obstructed area of the RWY/TWY. The observer is required to observe the partially obscured part of the RWY/TWYs and relay the status of the RWY/TWY with regards to obstructions via radio or recorded line to the Tower.
The following additional information will be included on the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS): “RWY AND TWY xx OBSCURED FROM ATC DUE AIR SHOW BUILDINGS”.
Regarding any availability of an ASO/observer: