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The Defence Directorate of Operations and Training Area Management Northern Territory (DOTAM NT) is requesting a change to an established danger area (DA).
DA D213 Robertson Barracks is currently not active at times that night activities are required to be conducted.
DOTAM NT requests feedback on a proposed change to DA D213 Robertson Barracks hours of activation.
D213 is a published DA that currently activates during hours of day light only (HJ). This proposal seeks to amend D213 hours of activation to H24, enabling elements of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and partner nations to conduct night activities to meet training outcomes.
No change to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) routes, air traffic management or instrument flight procedures.
No restrictions will be imposed on VFR flights.
No change to the published lateral and vertical limits of D213.
The proposed change, hours of activity from HJ to H24: