RAAF Roulettes TRA Hobart

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    Closed consultation
    National TAS
    Start 22/08/2023
    AEST 09:00
    End 31/08/2023
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Peter  Brewster
    Department of Defence

    A Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) proposed for Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Roulettes Aerobatic Displays over Hobart on 16 and 17 September 2023

    The issue

    Proposed TRA:

    SFC-A060 within 5 nautical mile (n mile) of position 425236S 1472012E (Hobart Cenotaph) excluding coincident portion of controlled airspace.

    For the following activities (approximate times - to be confirmed via NOTAM)):

    • Saturday 16 September – 6 x PC21 Aerobatic Display – 0315Z
    • Sunday 17 September – 6 x PC21 Flypast 0100Z and Aerobatic Display 0150Z.


    Figure 1. Boundaries of proposed TRA


    Engagement with airspace users/stakeholders with regard to a TRA proposal for RAAF Roulettes Aerobatic Displays over Hobart - 16 and 17 September 2023.

    Coincident with controlled airspace will remain under Airservices Australia control. Roulette operations within the coincident control area will be managed accordingly to achieve safe and efficient traffic separation and flow. The portion outside of existing controlled airspace will be for exclusive RAAF use under the control of Department of Defence.

    Submitted by

    Peter Brewster
    Department of Defence