RAAF Roulettes TRA Canberra

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    Closed consultation
    National ACT NSW
    Start 20/09/2023
    AEST 09:00
    End 30/09/2023
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Department of Defence

    We are seeking feedback on a Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) to be established overhead Canberra for RAAF Roulettes low-level aerobatics display on the 8th of October 2023

    The issue

    RAAF Roulettes (6 x PC-21 aircraft) are conducting formation aerial display overhead Canberra on the afternoon of the 8th October 2023.


    We seek to engage Canberra airspace stakeholders with regard to establishing a TRA of short duration over Canberra ACT, which will encompass Canberra Airport (YSCB).


    • Aerobatic Display
    • Lateral limits: Within a 5 nautical mile radius of PSN 351825S, 1490732E (Capital Hill) excluding the coincident portion of controlled airspace
    • Vertical limits: SFC-6000 feet above ground level
    • Hours of activity: approximately 15:40 -16:05 local time (check NOTAMs)
    • Controlling authority: Department of Defence

    No flight permitted without approval of controlling authority.

    Figure 1. Visual Terminal Chart including TRA-Display
    Figure 2.  Terminal Area Chart depicting TRA-Display

    Submitted by

    Department of Defence 