Proposed temporary restricted area to support military flying display around Sydney Harbour

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    Closed consultation
    Start 06/09/2024
    AEST 10:00
    End 23/09/2024
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Joint Airspace  Control Cell

    The proposed temporary restricted airspace (TRA) will affect operations east of the Harbour Bridge, as well as operations above within civil controlled airspace on 22 October 2024.

    The issue

    This proposal notes the following key issues:

    • Lateral dimensions of the proposed TRA are unchanged from TRA's used to support flypast and display activities conducted in previous years. 
    • Vertical dimensions of the proposed TRA replicates previous dimension (surface to 8000 feet above mean sea level) to accommodate an Air Force F-35 handling display.
    • Victor 1 visual flight rules (VFR) coastal route remains unaffected.
    • R405B will be unavailable for the duration of the activation. 
    • Conditional status of TRA will be RA3.


    Defence requests feedback on a proposed temporary restricted area enabling and supporting complex flying display activities within the Sydney Basin.


    This event requires segregated airspace to enable flypast priority (time-on-target) and account for high-speed and abrupt manoeuvres associated with military fast-jet handling displays. Due to this requirement, it is proposed that a TRA be established to enable unimpeded access for supporting assets, and to ensure public safety.  

    The proposed TRA is to encompass the lateral dimensions of R405B and extend to the east to include a portion of Class G airspace adjacent to the Victor 1 VFR coastal route. These lateral dimensions are consistent with TRA design used to support Australia Day activities over previous years, as per Figure 1. R405B is to be deactivated, with TRA AIR DISPLAY superimposed.  
    The proposed vertical extent is proposed from surface to 8000 feet above mean sea level, as is necessary to contain the F-35A handling display.

    Duration and frequency of TRA activation on the day is still yet to be determined. It can be expected that the TRA will be activated for the F-35A display and to support minor activities as deemed necessary, not exceeding 30 minutes in duration for each activation.    
    Special transit arrangements will be in place for emergency aircraft.

    Proposed TRA to permit military flying display in the Sydney Basin

    Submitted by

    Joint Airspace Control Cell