Proposed Temporary Restricted Area in support of Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2023

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    Closed consultation
    Start 16/12/2022
    AEDT 11:00
    End 31/01/2023
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Joint Airspace Control Cell  (JACC)

    Elements of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will be conducting Exercise ‘TALISMAN SABRE 2023 (TS23)’ over the period 21 July – 4 August 2023.

    TS23 is a large-scale military activity, involving a wide range of military air, sea and ground activities across the Queensland coast.

    Several Temporary Restricted Areas (TRA) are proposed to support military Rotary Wing and UAS operations in the vicinity of Ingham.

    This AvSEF Paper does not exhaustively cover the proposed temporary prohibited, restricted and danger areas for TS23. Stakeholders should refer to the AvSEF website for consultation material relating to different areas under ‘Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2023.’

    The issue

    This proposal notes the following key issues:

    • Activation of TRA in the vicinity of Ingham to support military ground- and ship-based Rotary Wing and UAS operations.
    • Access to TRA limited to aircraft with an emergency
    • No impact to published routes
    • Conditional status of military flying TRA will be RA2.


    Joint Airspace Control Cell (JACC) requests feedback on proposed TRAs and procedures for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2023, specifically to be employed in the vicinity of Ingham.

    The ADF and partner nations will be conducting activities in the vicinity of Forrest Beach, QLD, and propose the use of TRA to support a variety of Rotary Wing and UAS operations between the coast and offshore vessels.

    Duration and frequency of TRA activation is still yet to be finalised. However, indicative dates and timings can be seen in Table 1.

    Table 1.
    Date Anticipated TRA activation Anticipated activation windows
    23 Jul 23 TRA-Castle A H24
    24-29 Jul 23 TRA-Castle AB, TRA Pandora AB H24

    Normal CTAF Procedures remain in place for aircraft operating at Ingham.

    Timings will be highlighted in NOTAM and AIP SUP.

    During NOTAM activation periods, access by non-exercise aircraft to TRA-Pandora AB and TRA-Castle AB will not be available except in cases of a declared emergency, radio failure or participating in activities for the preservation of life and property (SAR, MED, POL or FFR). Clearances through TRA, when appropriate, will be provided by the contact authority, with procedures highlighted in the AIP SUP.

    All vertical dimensions below are above mean sea level (AMSL).  

    YBBB/TRA-Castle A

    Conditional Status: RA2

    Military Flying

    Lateral Limits: 184525S 1460917E

    then clockwise along the arc of a circle radius 45.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) –

    183557S 1462100E - 185144S 1462100E - 185144S 1461146E

    then along THE NORTH COAST RAILWAY - 184525S 1460917E

    Vertical Limits: SFC – 3000

    Controlling Authority: Joint Airspace Control Cell

    YBBB/TRA-Castle B

    Conditional Status: RA2

    Military Flying

    Lateral Limits: 184525S 1460917E

    then clockwise along the arc of a circle radius 45.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) –

    183557S 1462100E - 185144S 1462100E - 185144S 1461146E

    then along THE NORTH COAST RAILWAY - 184525S 1460917E

    Vertical Limits: 3000 – 4000

    Controlling Authority: Joint Airspace Control Cell

    YBBB/TRA-Pandora A

    Conditional Status: RA2

    Military Flying

    Lateral Limits: 183557S 1462100E

    then clockwise along the arc of a circle radius 45.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) –

    183254S 1462722E - 185144S 1462722E - 183557S 1462100E

    Vertical Limits: SFC – 3000

    Controlling Authority: Joint Airspace Control Cell


    YBBB/TRA-Pandora B

    Conditional Status: RA2

    Military Flying

    Lateral Limits: 183557S 1462100E

    then clockwise along the arc of a circle radius 45.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) –

    183254S 1462722E - 185144S 1462722E - 183557S 1462100E

    Vertical Limits: 3000 – 4000

    Controlling Authority: Joint Airspace Control Cell

    Figure 1. TRA-Castle AB and TRA-Pandora AB (vertical limits AMSL)

    AvSEF members are invited to provide feedback to JACC: by 31 January 2023.

    Submitted by

    Joint Airspace Control Cell (JACC)