Proposed temporary restricted area in near Barcaldine

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    Closed consultation
    Start 13/02/2025
    AEDT 11:00
    End 27/02/2025
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Patricia  Atkinson

    Temporary restricted area (TRA) established due to Defence activities unable to comply with Class G procedures.

    The issue

    TRA to be established in Class G airspace below 5000 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) during daylight hours from 31 March - 2 April and 15 - 17 April 2025.


    Establishment of TRA for the conduct of Defence aviation activities


    TRA ‘BARCALDINE’ is proposed to exclude non-participant aviation activities due to the inability for participating assets to comply with Class G procedures including broadcast requirements and see-and-avoid procedures. Sanitised airspace is also required for the planned activities in order to assure successful completion of the mission profiles without interference. 

    The condition status of TRA ‘BARCALDINE’ will be RA2 with transit only approved to aircraft experiencing an in-flight emergency or those with priority status engaged in the preservation of life or property (medical evacuation, search and rescue, flood and fire relief etc). 

    Given its position and altitude, TRA ‘BARCALDINE’ is not expected to affect any instrument flight procedures (IFP) and will only impinge on air routes outside of controlled airspace. Aircraft on air route J89 from Longreach to Taroom will require overflight of TRA not below 5000 feet AMSL. It is expected that no significant operational impact will be experienced by any aircraft requiring overflight of the TRA. 

    Notice to the aviation community will be provided through an Aeronautical Information Publication Supplement (AIP SUP) and confirmed by issue of a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). These publications together will detail the dimensions, activation dates, timings, transit procedures and controlling authority contact details. 

    TRA ‘BARCALDINE’ is proposed for activation on a regular basis with an activity schedule utilising the airspace up to 3 days every 2 weeks. This AvSEF covers the first two proposed activation periods which are detailed below. Future activations will be covered by a separate AvSEF and corresponding AIP SUP/NOTAM’s as required. 


    Date (Local) Time (Local) Time and Date (Coordinated universal time)


    31 March – 2 April 2025


    0700 – 1900  2100–0900
    30 March – 2 April 2025
    15 – 17 April 2025 0700 – 1900 2100–0900
    14 – 17 April 2025

    Table 1. Planned activation timings for TRA ‘BARCALDINE’

    Dates and times notified above are notional and subject to change dependent upon both internal and external factors. The associated AIP SUP and NOTAM will specify the exact dates and timings once confirmed. 

    The proposed NOTAM will display as follows:

    Conditional Status: RA2
    Military Flying
    Lateral Limits: 235111S 1452047E – 235156S 1452739E – 234719S 1452818E – 234820S 1453921E – 240406S 1453705E - 240226S 1451942E
    Vertical Limits: SFC – 5000
    Hours of Activity: NOTAM

    Submitted by

    Patricia  Atkinson