Proposed temporary airspace changes to support military exercises in Northern Australia

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    Closed consultation
    NT WA
    Start 09/01/2025
    AEDT 11:00
    End 14/02/2025
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Joint Airspace Control Cell  Royal Australian Air Force
    Australian Defence Force

    The Joint Airspace Control Cell (JACC) requests feedback on the attached proposal for temporary airspace volumes in July 2025.

    The issue

    • Activation of proposed Temporary Restricted Airspace (TRA) ‘GRIT’, Temporary Military Operating Areas (TM) ‘PUCK’ and Temporary Danger Area (TDA) ‘BOVINE’ (Airspace Configuration Alpha) over Northern Australia from 8 – 18 July 2025. 
    • Activation of proposed TRA ‘GRIT’, TM ‘PUCK’, TM ‘PROSPECT’, TDA ‘BOVINE’, and TDA ‘VERMILLION’ (Airspace Configuration Bravo) over Northern Australia from 14 – 24 July 2025. 
    • Impact to air routes is expected and diversion routes to be published in the Aeronautical Information Publication Supplement (AIP SUP). 
    • The conditional status of the proposed TRA and TM will be RA2, transit will not be approved except for aircraft experiencing an in-flight emergency or those with priority status engaged in preservation of life or property operations (i.e. MEDEVAC, SAR, FFR).


    JACC requests feedback on proposed TRA, TM, TDA and associated procedures for the Northern Territory (NT) and Western Australia (WA) Military Exercise Period.


    Elements of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and partner nation militaries will be conducting military air activities in the NT and WA, including RAAF Bases Darwin, Tindal and Curtin.

    1 TRA and 2 TMs are proposed to safely segregate civil aircraft from the military flying activities. 2 TDAs are proposed beneath the TRA and TM volumes in order to notify of increased military flying in class G airspace. These airspaces along with extant Tindal, Darwin and Curtin airspace volumes have been divided into two configurations (Alpha and Bravo) to allow for clarity on which volumes are active at any one time.

    See attached document for more information on the proposal.

    Submitted by

    Joint Airspace Control Cell Australian Defence Force

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