Airservices has reviewed the trial of Class E airspace steps at YAYE and is proposing a change to the airspace design, based on Air Traffic Control (ATC) and industry feedback.
The issue
Class E airspace steps were introduced for YAYE in May 2020 on a trial basis. The trial concluded in May 2023, however the steps remain in place until removed or modified by an Airspace Change Proposal (ACP).
Feedback received during the trial indicated that the design of the steps was not fit for purpose, and Airservices was considering removing the steps altogether.
Following consultation with some major users of YAYE controlled airspace, Airservices has reconsidered and is now proposing to remove only the A055 (5500 feet above mean sea level) and A065 steps, retaining the steps above A085.
Airservices is also proposing to conduct a broader airspace and air route review for YAYE.
Airservices Australia is seeking industry feedback on a proposed change to the Ayers Rock (YAYE) Class E airspace steps.
Airservices is proposing the following:
As an interim solution, remove the A055 and A065 Class E airspace steps, resulting in a Class E airspace base of A085. The change will be implemented as soon as practicable via AIP Supplement, with AIP Charts updated to reflect in mid-2024.
Longer term, Airservices will complete a wider airspace and air route redesign for YAYE, including:
a. Introduction of a new air route structure (as per CASA’s 2018 Preliminary Airspace Review), that would include:
segregated routes for arrivals and departures to the south-east (Melbourne and Sydney)
direct routes to Brisbane
an investigation into the potential introduction of standard instrument departures (SIDs) and standard instrument arrivals (STARs); and
b. A review of the interim Class E airspace step design (described at 1. above), to either:
confirm the design is fit for purpose, or
update the step design to complement the air route changes if required.