Proposed amendment to D214 Robertson Barracks lateral limits

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    Closed consultation
    Start 17/11/2023
    AEDT 09:00
    End 15/12/2023
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Bradley  Pitcher
    Directorate Of Training Area Management Northern Territory

    Proposed changes are to accommodate new ranges at Robertson Barracks.

    The issue

    This proposal notes the following key issues:

    • the Danger Area around Robertson Barracks, D214, is no longer fit-for-purpose
    • the Australian Army propose a small southern expansion to the Danger Area
    • there are no changes to vertical limits, hours of activity, or Danger Area contact.


    To provide relevant stakeholders with information regarding a proposed change to YBBB/D214 Robertson Barracks danger area lateral limits.

    The Australian Army propose an amendment to the lateral limits of the YBBB/D214 Robertson Barracks danger area to meet the safety requirements of new live fire range infrastructure. The amendment will ensure that the Danger Area safely encompasses the following facilities:

    • Small Teams Training Facility, used for non-lethal training ammunition, shotgun and explosive breaching
    • Forward Arming and Refuelling Point and associated ammunition storage point, and
    • The Mask Test Facility for gas exposure testing. The changes extend the southern limit by approximately 650 metres, as depicted in Figure 1.

    The amended dimensions are as follows:



    LATERAL LIMITS: 122201S 1305855E - 122145S 1305924E

    122155S 1310003E - 122306S 1310019E

    122404S 1305940E – 122507S 1305938E

    122508S 1305821E - 122338S 1305821E

    122201S 1305855E


    HOURS OF ACTIVITY: H24 or as amended by NOTAM

    CONTACT: Army Robertson Barracks 

    Figure 1. Proposed changes to danger area

    Submitted by

    Bradley  Pitcher
    Directorate Of Training Area Management Northern Territory

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