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The Joint Airspace Control Cell (JACC) requests feedback on a proposed temporary military operating area (TM) and procedures for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2025.
JACC requests feedback on a proposed TM and procedures for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2025, specifically to be employed 160 nautical miles off the coast of Mackay.
Elements of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will be conducting Exercise ‘TALISMAN SABRE 2025 (TS25)’ over the period 14 – 28 July 2025.
TS25 is a large-scale military activity, involving a wide range of military air, sea and ground activities across the Queensland coast. TM ‘CROSSBOW’ is proposed to support the safe conduct of naval activities by appropriately segregating them from non-participant aviation activities.
This AvSEF Paper does not exhaustively cover the proposed temporary supporting airspace for TS25. Stakeholders should refer to the AvSEF website for consultation material relating to different areas under ‘Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2025'.
Naval assets will be conducting activities off the Queensland coast in support of TS25 throughout the exercise period. Over the period of 20 - 23 July 2025, TM ‘CROSSBOW’ is proposed to safely segregate non-participant aircraft from these naval activities east of the Great Barrier Reef. The airspace is proposed to contain a number of varied activities including live fire, military aviation and uncrewed aircraft operations which are not able to be facilitated using the underlying airspace classification in the area.
TM ‘CROSSBOW’ will be activated for up to six hours daily between 20 - 23 July 2025.
Procedures and activation timings will be contained within an associated AIP SUP and NOTAM.
TM ‘CROSSBOW’ overlaps some portions of TM ‘STINGRAY’ A, D and F that are proposed over the same period in an existing AvSEF post. Due to this overlap, TM ‘CROSSBOW’ will not be activated concurrently with TM ‘STINGRAY’ A, D or F.
During NOTAM activation periods, access by non-participant aircraft will not be available except in cases of a declared emergency, radio failure or participating in activities for the preservation of life and property (SAR, MED, POL or FFR). Clearances through TM ‘CROSSBOW’ when appropriate, will be provided by the contact listed in AIP SUP.
The proposed NOTAM will display as follows:
Conditional Status: RA3
Military Flying/Non-Flying
Lateral Limits: 193800S 1521500E - 193800S 1545700E – 203850S 1545700E – 203850S 1521500E -193800S 1521500E
Vertical Limits: SFC - UNL
Hours of Activity: NOTAM
Controlling Authority: DEFENCE JACC
Please see the image below for further detail: