An Airspace Review of the 15NM airspace volume in the vicinity of Shellharbour Airport, NSW between SFC to 7500FT AMSL will be conducted.
Staff from the OAR will be conducting industry consultation through the following methods to provide stakeholders opportunities to be involved:
Industry are encouraged to read the attached Terms of Reference document for further information.
The Office of Airspace Regulation in CASA, would like to invite industry to participate in an Airspace Review of Shellharbour, NSW. This Airspace Review will assess the suitability of the current airspace structure of the following area:
An Airspace Review (the Review) of the 15NM airspace volume in the vicinity of Shellharbour Airport, NSW between SFC to 7500FT AMSL will be conducted. The objective of the study is to evaluate the appropriateness of the airspace within the vicinity of Shellharbour, recognising that safety is CASA’s primary consideration against the following key criteria: