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To seek members feedback on the proposal to establish multiple Temporary Restricted Areas (TRA) and Temporary Danger Areas (TDA) in support of multiple rocket launches.
Weekday Rocket launches 0800 -0900 Window launches up to Flight Level (FL) 450, all other windows up to FL200 & Weekend Rocket launches to be launched up to FL450.
For TRAs the following windows apply:
3 windows on each day (not including Thursdays) between:
4 windows on Thursdays between:
3 windows on each day between:
Seeking feedback to mitigate residual airspace risks posed by the rocket launch activities, 3 TRAs and a TDA are proposed that extend from surface to
Due to proximity of permanent military restricted airspace, different arrangements are requested on weekdays and weekends for vertical rocket launch activities.
On weekdays, the TRA is limited to 2.5 NM from the launch site and to an upper limit of FL200 except for the 0800 to 0900 AEST window, where the TRA extends 7 NM from the launch site and to an upper limit of FL450. On weekends, the TRA also extends 7 NM from the launch site and to an upper limit of FL450. Impacting air traffic service routes Y153, H12, W353.
A TDA of fixed lateral and vertical dimensions is requested for all horizontal launch activities in the same day and time windows.